This story is dedicated to all the brave mankind who works to save the world. This story is dedicated to all the brave mankind who works to save the world.
A person like Dr. Vandana had completely shattered their faith. They also knew that all doctors are ... A person like Dr. Vandana had completely shattered their faith. They also knew t...
Let us check the priority lists of Ruhi, the new girl. Let us check the priority lists of Ruhi, the new girl.
It was a golden opportunity for Akash to meet his love and impress her. It was a golden opportunity for Akash to meet his love and impress her.
When we are learning to drive a vehicle, initially we find it hard, unable to control the mechanism,... When we are learning to drive a vehicle, initially we find it hard, unable to co...
The last words written by mankind will be in blood or tears? The last words written by mankind will be in blood or tears?